A profile of Chateau Haut-Bailly, with a detailed history of the bestate/b and an account of today's proprietors, Veronique Sanders and Robert Wilmers. Includes details of the vineyards, harvest, chai and more, including tasting b.../b By 1630 it came into the ownership of bFirmin/b Le Bailly, a Parisian banker who gave his name to the property, and by 1845 Wilhelm Franck's classification of the leading Graves châteaux shows that the name Haut-Bailly was in well established use. b.../b
The estate remained part of Calon for four years, until Dumoulin sold off much of his property, with the Calon vineyard passing into the ownership of Firmin de Lestapis. He retained the Escargeon vineyard, and continued to pour his ...
Pré-occupé, la discussion courte et l?esprit ? d?autres vacations. Présent sans vraiment l??tre. C?est ce moment que choisit la dite tante pour me tendre 2 paquets sous cellophane. Mais j?ai besoin de rien, je réponds du tac-o-tac avant ...